Our Story

W h a t i s P u r e M o u n t a i n ?

Pure Mountain is a selection of healthy finished products, produced by Agventure from farm produce grown in Kenya. As a food producer, we believe in farming practices that enable sustainable production which meets the demands of a growing population through quality food products that help people live healthier lives. That’s why we’re proud to support regenerative agriculture, a farming practice that focuses on restoring soil health and biodiversity by promoting the use of natural practices like cover cropping and crop rotation. This approach not only helps to reduce soil erosion and increase water retention but also fosters a healthier ecosystem for plants and people alike.
W o r k i n g W i t h F a r m e r s
We’re proud to work with farmers who share our commitment to Sustainable Agriculture. By supporting this practice, we’re not only promoting a more sustainable food system but also helping to create a healthier planet for future generations. So not only is our food delicious and nutritious, but it’s also helping to change the game when it comes to how food is produced.
R e g e n e r a t i v e A g r i c u l t u r e i s a l l a b o u t w o r k i n g w i t h n a t u r e , n o t a g a i n s t i t .
It’s a holistic approach that goes beyond just growing food. Regenerative agriculture aims to restore soil health, increase the availability of nutrients, and improve the quality of the food we eat.
H e a l t h y s o i l e q u a l s h e a l t h y f o o d .
Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in every aspect of our business. From the way we source our ingredients to our packaging, we are dedicated to creating a better world through regenerative agriculture.
A t t h e f o r e f r o n t o f t h i s c h a n g e .
Our teams are passionate about regenerative agriculture and are dedicated to healing the planet by reducing soil erosion, increasing biodiversity, and promoting healthy ecosystems.
W h o i s A g v e n t u r e ?
Agventure was established in 2010 as a farmer-owned limited liability company with the mission of enabling farmers to develop more sustainable farming practices in non-irrigated cereal-based systems.