Pure Mountain Creamy Mixed Peas and Pumpkin Soup Served with Herbed Croutons.
- Prep Time
- Servings
- Cooking Time
1. Put the oil in a large hot pan or sufuria and add the onions while the oil is hot. Sauté the onions until light brown. Add the minced garlic for a further 1 minute.
2. Add the chopped tomatoes, dhana jeera/coriander powder, chopped pumpkin, and salt and mix together. Cover and cook for about 4 mins until the pumpkin is slightly soft.
3. Add the pre-boiled PMF Split Green & White Peas and Mix. Let it simmer for a minute then add 500mls of hot water. Let it boil for 5 to 8 minutes on medium heat.
4. Put the mix in a blender and blend on medium power until it is a smooth paste. Add the black pepper/chili powder + coconut milk and blend to mix. If the soup is not hot enough return to the pan and let it simmer until piping hot.
6. If you don’t have a blender grind the mix while it is still on the stove at low heat until it forms a thick paste then add the coconut milk/milk. Stir until thoroughly mixed and smooth.
Serve hot with PMF herbed croutons adding any soup-fortifying seeds of your choice.