Pure Mountain Faba Bean Stew
- Prep Time
10 Minutes
- Servings
6 People
- Cooking Time
30 minutes

1.Heat the PMF Herb Infused Oil in a pot or sufuria at medium heat. Add the onions and Sauté Onions until light golden Brown.
2. Add salt, minced garlic, ginger, ground cumin & coriander/garam masala and saute for a further 30 seconds. Add the diced tomatoes. Cook on low heat for a further 3 minutes until the tomatoes are fully cooked.
3. Add the chopped green bell peppers and precooked Faba Beans to the pot. Mix and cover let it cook for around 3 minutes.
4. Add the hot water and the thickener/cornstarch (Make the cornstarch into a thin paste by diluting it with water first to avoid lumps). Cover the pot and simmer on medium-low heat for about 15-20 minutes.
5. Last sprinkle the black pepper or any seasoning of choice and taste for salt adding if need be. Serve with any starch and veggie of your choice. We recommend our PMF soft Chapatis and Simple stir fry.
Tip you can substitute the hot water and cornstarch with coconut milk for that yummy coaster’s taste.