10 Minutes

4 People

25 Minutes


2 cups Pure Mountain Lupin Beans
2 tbsp Pure Mountain Chilli infused Canola Oil
1 cup Coconut Cream
1 Onion
2 Tomatoes
1 tbsp mince garlic
½ tbsp. mince ginger
1 tbsp Cumin powder
1 tbsp salt
Handful of dhania


1. Soak the lupin beans. It’s important to soak the beans before boiling for at least 18 hours/overnight. Remove discolored beans and rinse them thoroughly. Place them in a glass bowl and fill it with water. Ensure they are submerged in the water, then place the bowl at room temperature on your kitchen counter.

2. Drain and rinse the lupin beans before boiling. You’ll notice they’re plump and have a yellowish hue. Place in a pot and cover with water, then boil for 45 minutes on a stove. You may use a pressure cooker if you have one. Once boiled remove from heat and rinse with cold water. Fry onions, garlic, and ginger until soft and lightly brown.

3. To make the stew, Sauté onions, garlic, and ginger in a medium pot until it lightly browns.

4. Add blended tomatoes, cumin, and salt. Sauté until the sauce thickens and reduces. Add Coconut cream and cook for 20 minutes.

5. Add boiled lupin beans and let cook for 20 minutes.

6. Finish with chopped dhania and serve with chapatti or rice.


Canola Cooking Oils

Mega Fry

Canola Honey

Wild Flower Honey

Canola Honey

Rosemary Honey

Canola Honey

Sunflower Honey

Canola Honey

Canola Honey


Green Peas whole